Young woman wearing a night guard - night guards during a pandemic

Night Guards in a Pandemic Era

Anyone under heavy stress has probably exhibited some common traits.

Rubbing your temples, furrowing your eyebrows… and clenching your teeth. These are all common, unconscious responses.

Anybody – patients included – might complain about finances, relationships, or being over-worked as reasons for stress.

But, with a global pandemic thrown into the mix, those problems are magnified. During the COVID-19 era, in a time where individual stress and anxiety are at an all-time high, bruxism and clenching are on the rise.

For that reason, night guards have become essential.


This is not a new problem for patients

Generally, grinding teeth and jaw clenching are not new coping mechanisms for stressed-out individuals.

More often than not, stress caused by the pandemic has simply exacerbated an existing problem. If a patient never believed their grinding was very destructive, they may or may not already be wearing a night guard.


A recent study on COVID-19 and its effect on bruxism and clenching

In a study performed last summer in Israel and Poland, researchers found that orofacial pain increased from approximately 35% before COVID-19, to 47% during the lockdowns.

Although most patients do not realize it, bruxism and clenching are not restricted to nighttime.

The same study found that jaw clenching during the day increased by 32% and teeth grinding went up from 10% to 36%. Additionally, the severity of all orofacial symptoms went up 15%.

This study clearly shows another instance in which fear and anxiety can damage a person’s well-being.


Relief for patients

As a result of jaw clenching and teeth grinding, patients often experience tension headaches, sore jaws, sharper teeth, and other symptoms.

Take a moment to ask your patient how they are doing during this difficult time. Remember, it is unlikely they realize they are grinding or clenching at night. They may not even realize they grind their teeth throughout the day, either.

Talking to them for even a minute or two about any pains or discomfort they may be feeling will not only show good chairside manner, it may also help diagnose bruxism.


Night Guards

The most effective way to treat temporomandibular disorders is with a well-fitted nightguard.

Although many patients resist them at first, fearing them uncomfortable, a nightguard is the best option to alleviate their symptoms.

Patients today may be pleasantly surprised by the advances in bruxism protection. Technologically advanced materials on the market yield better fits and easier adjustments than ever before.

KeySplint nightguards are an excellent example of an alternative option that is flexible and soft, but still durable.


Encourage patients to keep their appointments

With the virus continuing to plague communities, many patients are wary of going to the dentist.

They fear leaving their homes and being exposed to germs, especially in medical offices.

Reassure your patients of the COVID-19 safety protocols you follow, and encourage them to keep their appointments. Postponing an exam could lead to more serious oral issues down the road.


Bringing It All Together

Not only is there a global pandemic, but there is also an epidemic of jaw pain among patients.

You might say they are fighting through COVID-19 “tooth and nail.”

Everyone hopes there is an end in sight to this devastating virus. In the meantime, advise your patients to do all they can to alleviate extra stressors, wash their hands, wear a mask, and practice social distancing.

Together, by focusing on staying healthy, we will get through this.

Need to get night guards manufactured for your patients? We’re here to help! Check out our section here.

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