Crown and Bridge Restorations

Very strong and esthetic restoration, suitable for single units up to full roundhouse cases.
Related: Should you choose screw-retained or cement-retained zirconia crowns?

Enamel-like translucency comparable to lithium disilicate, and 30% stronger than lithium disilicate dental restorations. Ideal for anterior crowns & veneers, & posterior single crowns.

A crown or bridge where the coping or framework is made of zirconia. Porcelain is applied to the coping or framework to get to final contour. Recommended if stump is dark. Conventional cementation. Equal strength as a PFM. Excellent for long span bridges.

All-ceramic crown or bridge made by porcelain material. Made from lithium disilicate ceramic – a material that has been harvested for its translucent color and durability. As a result, you get a crown that is tough and durable, but looks exactly like your other teeth. Maximum units for a bridge is 3 units.
427 MPa

PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate)
Used to fabricate temporary dental restorations for a wide range of cases, including more complex indications such as implants or large span bridges.

Diagnostic wax-up
Waxing of intended restorative contours on dental casts for evaluation and planning restorations; a wax replica of a proposed treatment plan. Comparable to trial dentures.

Porcelain Fused to Metal
This is a porcelain fused to metal crown and/or bridge made with porcelain bonded to non-precious metal.

Porcelain to Semi-Precious
This is a porcelain fused to metal crown and/or bridge made with porcelain bonded to semi-precious metal.

Porcelain to White High Noble
This is a porcelain fused to metal crown or bridge made with porcelain bonded to white/silver high noble alloy.

Porcelain to Yellow High Noble
This is a porcelain fused to metal crown or bridge made with porcelain bonded to yellow colored high noble alloy.

Maryland Bridge
Porcelain fused to metal bridge made of 1 or 2 pontics and 2 wings. It is made from porcelain bonded to non-precious metal.

Full Cast High-Noble
This could be a crown, inlay, onlay and/or bridge. It is made from a high noble dental alloy, yellow in color.

Full Cast Non-Precious
This could be a crown, inlay, onlay and/or bridge. This is made entirely from non-precious alloy.

Post & Core
Ordered when a patient’s natural tooth structure needs built up to support a crown or bridge that will be placed. Sometimes ordered by themselves or in conjunction with a restoration.

Full Cast Semi-Precious
This could be a crown, inlay, onlay and/or bridge. It is made from a semi-precious dental alloy, yellow or white (silver) in color.