First Choice Dental Lab specializes in implants from screw-retained to cement-retained restorations. We accept digitally scanned and traditional impressions for cement or screw-retained restorations. We work with all types of implants (we’ve listed a few below).

Screw-retained crowns
An excellent option for implant restorations that eliminates intraoral cementation and allows for retrievability of the restoration. Path of insertion and implant angulation needs to be considered when prescribing this restoration.

Custom abutments
Custom abutments are the best option for most patients. They allow for custom emergence profiles based on the patient’s situation as well as angle correction when the implant placement is not ideal.

Screwmentable crowns
This is a cement retained crown over a custom abutment that is created with a screw access hole in it. This allows for easy screw hole access while also getting the benefit of a custom abutment and its custom emergence profile and angulation correction.

Angled screw channel
An angled screw channel is used with off-angled implants to make the screw access hole come through the occlusal or lingual surface and not through the buccal or esthetic areas. The amount of angle correction depends on the implant system being used. A special driver is required for this restoration.